Earn Extra Income AND Get STEAM-Based PD

Get PAID to inspire genuine moments of joy and wonder in the remote or physical classroom.

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Earn Extra Income AND Get STEAM-based PD

Get PAID to inspire genuine moments of joy and wonder in the remote or physical classroom.

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Your Students. Your School. Our Program.

Does getting paid to learn and apply design thinking & maker education sound good?

Do you wish you could engage in more creative, hands-on learning with your students?

Are you a disrupter, driven to innovate and prepare students for a rapidly evolving future?

Then BitSpace’s Income-Generating Program for Teachers is for you!

In as little as 3 hours of online professional development training, you can learn how to run our hands-on, STEAM-based enrichment programs for students at your school.

Offer the program after school (virtually or in-person) at your school and get paid to practice what you learned with a small group of self-selected students!

After getting paid to teach, you will be prepared to leverage those skills in your everyday classroom.

How It Works

woman clicking mouse on laptop

Offer the Program

Offer our Make it, Robots! or Make it, Wearables! program to students at your school. We'll provide you with marketing materials and a landing page to help you promote the program and accept registrations.

Learn It

You'll get FREE access to our Make it, Wearables! or Make it, Robots! course (originally sold for $250 each) plus a free materials kit so you can follow along as you learn.

Teach It

Apply what you learned (virtually or in-person). Like you, your students will also receive their own kits delivered by us to your school or to their homes.

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Can I tell you that I have taught a ton of after school classes in my career and this Bitspace Wearables class is a dream come true - seriously. I am Team Bitspace all the way!

— K. Redmond

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I’m really impressed with what I’ve seen. Just the type of compliment to my existing skills – and the safety and training information I will definitely use when I teach this course in the spring.

— Kim, Maker Space Teacher, Massachusetts

What You'll Be Teaching:

Option 1: Electric Wearables Enrichment Program

✔️Learn it all in 3 hours

✔️Using OUR Tools

✔️At your OWN pace

✔️for FREE.


Offer this super fun after-school program and teach kids to combine fabric with electronics to create their very own "smart" wearables. Think light-up  stuffies and sneakers or facemasks with blinking LEDs.  If they can dream it, they can build it!

Let your students go wild with their own crazy ideas!

Option 2: Make it, Robots! Program

✔️Using OUR Tools

✔️At your OWN pace

✔️for FREE.


This course is designed to support you in setting up a Robots! enrichment program using our supplied kits.

Each chapter presents a new aspect of using Arduino hardware and software as it helps students build coding and engineering skills by utilizing the power of design prompts and material constraints. And, when all is said and done, they get to make some really cool robots.

What You'll Get

 An extra source of income (Get paid $750 for running this 10-hr program to 10 students!)

 3 Professional Development Hours per program

 FREE access to a $250-worth video training

 Ready-made DAILY lesson plans for 8 to 10 sessions

 Supplies kit delivered to you and your students

 Marketing materials (in digital format) to help you promote the program

 (Optional) Student Registration. This includes a customized landing page that leads to a direct checkout for enrolling students. You'll be able to see — in real time — all incoming registrations.

PLUS this $250-worth BONUS

6 months worth of BitSpace's curriculum

Get PLENTY of ideas for applying design thinking and making into your lessons.

Looking for a quick activity to solidify a math lesson and want it to include something tangible? We have that.

Looking for a multi-week project with real-world connections? We've got you covered!


Don't miss the bonus!

Here's Your Next Step:

Click below and we'll talk about slotting this program into your after-school lineup.

Or, if you need help proposing this idea to your school, we'd be happy to offer you some guidance!

I'm Interested!

Meet Sam, Our Director of Learning

In the course of setting up this after-school program, you'll be in touch with Samantha Gleisten, our Director of Learning (a classroom teacher herself) who supports teachers through training and Professional Development in the field of maker education.

She's an Unsung Heroes awardee, recognized by Voya for her work on implementing a problem solving curriculum in the classroom and is currently Head Teacher at Rogers Park Elementary in Chicago.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got more questions? Email us at [email protected].

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